The Blog Of Magic MouseThe blog of magic-mouse

A link to the past

Old website layout

Sometimes a look in to the past,

can be just as interesting as a look in to the future. This is an example of how the blog looked like 2 months ago. Because of the slow design changes i thought it would be fun to display it here. I am quite satisfied with the result of the work i have done so far. Though i have discovered that there is a new version out from 8pixel.Net , so during the next few weeks im working on getting the new features build in to the current blog. There is new features such as categorising.

Means if you are interested in reading about the tecnical stuff backend ect. or just how it is going. Or the boat only. You would have an easier time finding just the blog posts that interest you. There might be a part of someone out there thinking i do all this work for increased readers. But thats not true. I do it as a service to my current readers as i have a pretty good idea who it is and i like it to be easier for those people. Along with ofcause the amusement of what im doing. I like to recode everything. (If it was'nt so i think wordpress would be a good place to make a blog with all the functionality there.)

Just todays 50cents. Though i think it got to be a bit more :)

Birthday Party - "ala. Cina"

Today we were at a birthday party, it was Tuvas birthday Cinas "little" girl got 11 and we went there to celebrate it. We allso went to give Felix a birthday present because he did'nt get one because the poor bastard got birthday on the most awsome birthday (mine) and we were in Denmark at that time.

The food was awsome, as always. Not to say my girlfriend is pretty envious that i like cinas food soo much. And we got a cinamon roll, which was pretty good as the previous batch i got at my birthday is enjoyed and long gone. But i am a sucker for mexican food. So it was a cheap trick to throw at me even though i think the food was arround 4,5 Better than average with a little twist. But with room for emprovement. (Not bad considered it was food made for 11 people)

Tuva got fitness on a can, the high ground of the evening was the fitness game for WII as everyone had fun trying it and laughing at those who tried it. Beside that all in all a good evening.

Got something fixed, before i went to bed. I was like a tasmanian devil in the kitchen, and got some vacuumcleaing done too. Though in the heat of the battle i managed to break some little plastic thing off the vacuumcleaner.

MySQL Migration

Migration from Access to MySQL is now Complete.

Along with a full backup of both blog and database.

Now you might think why should i care? Basicly if you are a regular reader you might have discovered that the blog wasn\'t running stable. Sometimes the blog wouldnt show. But now by swiching, debugging is easier along with where there was resources for 20 connections. Not good as there was arround 24 users daily and i can say there is arround 3 connections per page, and the code i got for the blog wasn\'t properly written not all of them were closed. But anyways the real difference is that the blog should be available all the time now!

Diablo III

To Complete the collection of games i look forward too, we need Diablo 3, It looks like that blizzard have pulled them selves together this time. It looks good and from what i can see about the gameplay it is gonna get a good feel to it. I hope they figure out a way to prevent it from just being "click click click" all the way through like the other games became in the end. - Not that it is a bad thing ... i just mean there is a limit to how much clicking you can do for 5 hours without break. Anyways enjoy this trailer.

Space Marines - For XBox 360

Space Marines The Video Game- Wow!

Fable 3

Awsome fable 3 is comming out before i even had my chances with the second. Anyways enjoy the trailer.

Pictures of the boat version Gallery

We decided on a name for her. Our beloved BOZ08 (Former known as BOZO) We decided that she should be called "Terna" I have some pictures of her sails some where and i will make sure that they get in this blog post. I will write another one with links to this one when it happens.

Boat from outsideTernas frontNykvarnPeer with Terna to the leftWaterTerna From The FrontGlass Fiber work on Terna

There is still a lot of stuff to do

with her. And im basicly spending every minute i can at the marina. I have startet to take pictures of the progress. To show how it looks now and how it looked then. There was for example a hole in the back that have been covered by tape, that i now filled with glassfiber cloth and sparkeled out and i startet polishing it down so it have the same surface height. Another thing that have an urgent need to be fixed specially now we are getting close to the winter is the windows that have been leaking the whole summer harbouring water in to the boat.


Image Test

Power Test:

This is an Image Power test to test the backends ability to make small and fast image galleries. Though i hope for later to be able to make a plugin that should do the process much faster. The images ive chosen is with random character pictures that follows with the dungeon and dragon 4th edition character generator.

Dragon Born RogueDwarf ClericDwarf Male FighterDwarf WarlockDwarf WizardElf ClericHuman WizardHuman FIghter

This image test is gonna be made without tests to the images but later i might do some more work to it. If it works out as expected i will post some pictures of the boat.

Backend Implementation of Editor Complete

Editor Implementation Complete: Ok it took a few hours but considered that i didn't know how the editor was build and how to do it i think that it was a nice speed. Everything in this editor should speed up the process of writing new blog post and make them look more readable and nice to the people and search engines. (Most important people since 95% of my vissits come from people).

There is still a few things to do before i continue. I need to backup the entire blog from backend to front end to database. And then i slowly needs to integrate the source code to be running on MySQL, but to make it easier ill make a list.

That is the future prospects of the blog. Allso i will play with the posibility to make small galleries postable on the blog as the new backend editor supports that option.

Redecoration and cleaning up

As about half my readers wouldn't know because as i earlier explained that most my readers read via My RSS Feed

I've been redecorating today. I got rid of the poop colors and it looks a bit lighter and more readable now. I allso cheated with the background and added a frame to it, so it shows where one post ends and where the other one starts.

Tonight if i get the time i will add a new backend editor to the site so it gets more readable and easier to edit to the posts. But because i dont have made the site my self there might come some complications to the process.

Beside that i have noticed that the site drops alot because my tiny Access backbone cant support the 10 readers a-day i have. So that need to be moved to the MYSql i have attached to the site. And that would be a bigger process.

Another plan for the site is to move the blog to in near future, and convert the front page to a "portal" for my websites as my number of sites have expanded to the double since last year (from one to two).

The site will then support news from the entire network insted of just working as a blog. Don't worry you will still be able to access the blog from the front page. It just gets "A click away"

That was a bit of the plans for the future - Have a nice day :)

Nothing really happens

The last week have been more or less empty of events. The highlights of the week was me bitching about the public transportation.

And as sad as i can be. There is no prospects of new events comming up. Though in 9 days i have to see my baby for the second time. So that is what keeps me up at the moment.

Commuters Insanity

As i wrote in Monopoly to Trains the swedish trains arent making sense.

But the swedish commuters are like insane. At T-Centralen (Central station stockholm) An average of 4 minutes between trains and still people are squeasing them selv through the closing doors with the hazard of their lives for 4 minutes. (Or if they only needed 1 stop it would be 2 minutes)

Seriously swedish people get a grip


Nothing special just celaned the apartment today,

Monopoly to Trains?

Unfortunate is the railway monopoly something that is hard to do something about.

There fore they can treat people the way they do. Ive in 2 days been cut off by public transportation. And because there is no other alternative the public transportation can do stuff like that.

In stockholm we dont even have the ability to say we are just driving by car. Unless you want to spend 1 hour in a traffic jam just to figure out that even the expensive parking spots are taken. And you have to pay a road tax because they want you to take public transportation.

The main reason of the cut offs is because they trains are so closely connected to each other and the massive amount of people makes it imposible to get in and out of the trainstations. So when i have to get a bus i need to bypass 200+ people. In a fast pase. If there was no people, reaching the bus/train would be no problem but the heavy mass of people makes it imposible. So time after time i see the buss drive empty while there is 200 people wanting to entering it. then they have to wait 5 minutes for the next buss so we can arraive at the train seeing it drive away .. empty. Now we got 200 angry and stressed people.

If the first buss would just wait 1 minute letting the people in we would have 4 minutes to get in to the train. and we would have  200 happy people. But swedish trains/busses arent that buisness oriented... Well there is noone else.

My 5 cents from an annoyed train passenger from stockholm.


Dont try to make anything idiot proof... Your only challenging god to make an even greater idiot.

And to all you wanna be idiots out there... Read the fine print.


I have a small rule that i shouldnt write about the future.
Today im gonna break that rule.

Today is gonna be a good day Im rested and peak, ready for wokring a whole day.


Today me and Victor went out sailing. We took off from Täby C rougly arround 11:20 going to dyvik, and prepared the boat. We spend some time fixing some small stuff before we took off and we looked at the weather to see how the wind would act.
It is a bit dificult where the boat is stationed because there is a small island covering for the wind.

Well we took the chance and went out which turned out to be an excelent idea. The first roughly 2-3 miles the wind was calm and we had a bit of trouble locating the rear wind.

We should have a larger sail area from the direction we were sailing and i guess with the experience i get someday i will be better at judging the sail to the weather but i decided to take the ordinary sail because "Better safe than sorry".

Anyways we went out and turned arround at siarö fortet because as clumsy as i am i fogot the maps so i didnt want to go and explore new unknown areas. I liked to sail in areas where i could remember how the ground and water was looking out below me.

All in all it was a nice trip and on the way home we reached 2 waves on the boat that means somewhat between 6-8 knot. Taken the class of the boat it is a pretty nice speed as the top speed is considered to be somewhere between 8 and 9.


Ive spend most of the day with my girlfriend at her work. went home and picked up my new solar panel that arraived !!! Awsome.

The rest of the day i spend playing munchkin quest. (google it :D) with some friends in knivsta. Super cool evening (And awsome grilled chicken)

Duglas Adams Quotes

Hi i wanted to share something with you all.
Yes ... as the headline says duglas adams quotes.

  • First we thought the PC was a calculator. Then we found out how to turn numbers into letters with ASCII — and we thought it was a typewriter. Then we discovered graphics, and we thought it was a television. With the World Wide Web, we've realized it's a brochure.
  • In fact, I wanted to be John Cleese and it took some time to realize the job was in fact taken.
Courtsey from Duglas Adams Quotes

Patch Day


My wow copter

A history

Today i found some history written in 0&1.

I remember back then. It was honor, glory, skills and noobs. The battle for the spots in groups was tough but as a decent tank back then there was no real problem getting through instances. Beside that you couldnt kill anything on your own, and the cost for an isntance (specially with a bad healer) could take hours to make back. Grinding was the answer to the never ending quesiton GOLD!

New Backend Feature

Hi all.

I have noticed that a tad more than 50% of my readers read the blog off the RSS feed. Which is ok with me. Some of those RSS feeds are read from a cell phone. So as a new feature ive limited the RSS feed to the last 10 posts.  Which means that you will only get the average of 15 days of blog posts.

I will later add an RSS more so you all could benefit from the blog posts of earlier age.

The difference between men and woman.

If a woman leaves some of the dishes it is because she thinks. "Maby my boyfriend will take the rest."

If a man leaves some of the dishes it is because he is a pig!...

I learned that :D

Birthday spinoff

Today i had my farther in law to the boat along with his spouse. We ate a nice dinner consistant of some salad with haloumi and cake with vanilla creame. The haloumi and creame was made in the boat. A small success for making food on the boat allready at this primitive state.

He (my love's dad) helped out with some stuff to get done. Now some of the most urgent thinks that have borthered me for a while got fixed. So that is out of mind.

Though it was raining at first it became better weather during the day. So all in all a wonderfull day.


So it was a UT consert.
Ok i admidt it ... it was great. U2 isnt really the style of music i listen to. Anyways they did good. There was a lot of good songs that  you know. And i like the fact that everything was keyed together.

So it looked fine.
ok it looked fine. The stage was an amazing craft that looked like something picked out of a steampunk movie there was people sitting in side it controlling the lights manually, and a huge tv. screen that i would expect to be perfect to play X-Box. On.

PS. I want a stadium with a disco ball.

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